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  1. mrcomplex

    The UNSW Textbook Buy/Sell Thread

    BUYING: LAWS1052: Law and Justice In Australia and Australia Law Dictionary VALUE PACK ARTS1810: An Introduction to International Relations 2e ARTS1480: Grammaire Progressive Du Francais Debutant (Text) + CD Audio Version Originale 1/1A Textbook (French Edition) + cd + dvd PM ME PLEASE!!
  2. mrcomplex

    2013 Law Cohort Rollcall

    Hi! I'm Stefano! I'm doing International Studies/Law :) I'm so excited to meet new people and learn new things!! I'm not sure I made my timetable right though, anyone else doing International Studies if they can reply to this and help me? :/ When's Law Camp?
  3. mrcomplex

    How many pages did you write for each section?

    Module A: 6 Module B: 5.5/6 Module C: 7
  4. mrcomplex

    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 (AOS)

    People are saying the kid in the poem died? Like wtf? What makes them think this?
  5. mrcomplex

    Who else is shitting bricks?

    Heck yes!! I'm so nervous :/ This is legit me right now.
  6. mrcomplex

    Creative Writing Plagiarism?

    Just wondering, I got a Creative Writing story from someone (not online) that got 15/15 I think in 2011 or 2010. I took parts of it out, and added my own parts into it and changed a few sentences and words etc. The story isn't so "original" that if I wrote it I'd get caught. It's a pretty...
  7. mrcomplex

    CSSA trial results

    Business Studies - 81/100 :( (mostly disappointed by this) Studies of Religion 1 - 45/50 (happy with this) That's all I've received so far!
  8. mrcomplex

    CSSA Legal Studies Trial

    I think World Order will be my worst one :/
  9. mrcomplex

    Share your personalised HSC timetable!

    English (Advanced) Written Examination Paper 1: Area of Study 15/10/2012 13:55 English (Advanced) Written Examination Paper 2: Modules 17/10/2012 09:25 Economics 18/10/2012 09:25 Mathematics Extension 2 22/10/2012 09:25 Mathematics Extension 1 24/10/2012 09:25 Business Studies 25/10/2012...
  10. mrcomplex

    How do you rate your school?

    Rank: 90-100 Teachers: The English faculty used to be really strong, but lately the English marks have been falling and personally I think it's the teachers' fault. They don't seem to know what to talk about or how to address the syllabus/texts. Maths teachers are average, could do better...
  11. mrcomplex

    i sent private messages but nothing in sent items?

    thank you! i've put that setting on now so i know for sure my private messages are sent :)
  12. mrcomplex

    i sent private messages but nothing in sent items?

    oh i didn't notice that! i just checked by going to the send private message thing and realised my box is unchecked. ok thank you very much! :)
  13. mrcomplex

    i sent private messages but nothing in sent items?

    i sent private messages to some users who i wanted to purchase books over, logged back in 3 hours later to check if i had a reply and nothing, and i check my sent items folder in my inbox and it's completely empty? does it mean my messages didnt send or is it because i logged out?
  14. mrcomplex

    Beautiful Countries

    wow these places are so beautiful!