Search results

  1. I

    bachelor of applied finance/bachelor of commerce - professional accounting THOUGHTS ?

    so ive finally decided, that this course is hopefully the one i want to do in uni :L can someone who actually does this degree tell me what its like ? i didnt FAIL at 2 unit maths, but i did drop it eventually and moved down to general cos it was taking up too much time and i wasnt getting the...
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    how to answer common legal questions

    ill be sure to take this on board, thanks heaps ! :)
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    how to answer common legal questions

    hey guys, we're doing global environment now, and i'd appreciate any help ! i was just wondering, what exactly do you have to talk about in your response, in order to achieve full marks for questions that start off with: Assess the role of International instruments such as the Kyoto Protocol...
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    related text help ?

    hey guys, i know theres already like a million threads about related texts for belonging, but im just finding it really difficult to just pick one :/ we're doing 'As You Like It' by Shakespeare in class as our prescribed text, so i was just wondering if you guys got any good suggestions ? so...
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    anu bonus points for school of business/economics

    hey guys, i know theres a few conditions regarding if your eligible for bonus points or not. for e.g. you have to have completed either english advanced or higher and get 60% or better in the hsc to receive bonus points can anyone tell me if general maths would be eligible to receive bonus...
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    Best TV series EVER

    i honestly cannot believe NO ONE has posted about how i met your mother !? :O
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    cheap yet fashionable button up shirts for gus

    you should try if your looking for something online, otherwise - yd, tarocash, jay jays, and cotton on as well for about 50 bucks ! :D
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    okay BOS, show me what your made of, by helping me with this CALCULUS QUESTION ! :D

    Re: okay BOS, show me what your made of, by helping me with this CALCULUS QUESTION ! you sir, are a life saver :D
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    okay BOS, show me what your made of, by helping me with this CALCULUS QUESTION ! :D

    so like ive asked people, looked on the internet, and i found nothing :L so hopefully, some of you are smarter :D and and and, could you also explain how you got to the answer :) a) y= 7 OVER (4-3x) differentiate, and answer as a fraction without a negative indicie b) y= 4 OVER (3x-1)^5...
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    thoughts on general maths ?

    crap thing is, i dropped from ext. 1 maths to adv. maths, and now i wanna drop to general maths :( ive been failing all year, all because i misunderstood the general difficulty of maths....
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    thoughts on general maths ?

    LOL no :L im indian :P
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    thoughts on general maths ?

    but i dont know, because my teacher was like - these questions were 'hsc style' questions - in other words, 'the type of questions that might appear in the hsc,' and trust me, they were pretty damn hard (well for me at least) :L
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    thoughts on general maths ?

    ive heard stories about general maths which make it seem awful :L i need advice on people who might've taken it or know a bit more than just "stories" which they've heard. i just got back my 2 unit adv. results and i got below 50% for my prelims :( so im contemplating dropping to general -...
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    Help me with my english subjects ! :(

    Re: Help with english pleaseee ! :( i see, well thanks for your help guys :D much appreciated :)
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    Help me with my english subjects ! :(

    Re: Help with english pleaseee ! :( so just drop english extension and pick up another unit of religion ?
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    Help me with my english subjects ! :(

    Re: Help with english pleaseee ! :( cos i wanna keep 12 units for my HSC, i dont wanna risk anything :/
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    Help me with my english subjects ! :(

    Help with english pleaseee ! :( okay so ill list my subjects first of all: 2 unit advanced maths english advanced english extension 1 studies of religion 1 unit legal economics business i recently got back my english extension results - and i must say i did fairly poor :/ i got...
  18. I

    I need help !!!!! :(

    okay, so im in year 11 - and ill start off with the subjects that i do: 2u adv. maths, eng adv., eng ext., legal, business, economics, studies of religion 1 unit. (12 units all up) i was going alrite in english extension since the beginning of the year, but lately - its starting to get really...