Thanks for the replies! :)
Would it be more convenient overall to just get a Mac? I'll try dual booting on my home computer though, thanks :)
They're pretty expensive and I've always been a Windows user so I'm not familiar with the interface and its workings. I do like that the Air is really...
I read somewhere (will link if I find it again) that Mac is necessary for computing courses. Is this true? I'd really prefer not to get a Mac but I will if I need it to run software/programs outside of class.
If not, I'm thinking of getting the Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E540 here (link) - will...
First of all, I'd be grateful for any help at all! :)
1. Which degree will have more marketable job prospects? I'm concerned with whether or not I will be creative/talented enough to pursue Design Computing in Australia. I enjoy traditional drawing and I also own a graphics tablet... I found...
1. In your position, I would pick up Extension 2 Math because that seems to be your better subject. And without having to do 2U, perhaps that could lift your marks up even more (5th in the grade is already really good imo in year 11!)
2. As you seem to enjoy some parts of Chem, I think that...
Today was the last day of year 11, woohoo for us! Impending year of doom... :P
Throughout the year, I'd gotten average/below average marks in Chemistry and way below average in the yearlies. I first decided to do Chemistry because it had been recommended to my class at the end of last year and...