@powlmao: yeah i guess thats true. i didn't get the job anyway so :p doesn't matter now
@addicts: oh wow ok. thats pretty early.. i thought they would be a bit more lenient about it if someone gave them notice wayyy in advance.
thanks both of you :) i'll keep what you both said in mind for...
Aw crap, I was in a rush and didn't have the time to check this thread before I went :(
I asked several other friends and they all agreed that I just come up with an excuse when the time comes... so I didn't say anything about it :(, but I did mention that I have another job.
I'm not in...
you need a better shoulder rest. it shouldn't hurt at all.
i had this problem when i was younger, then upgraded and it wasn't a problem anymore.
what kind do you have?
@LoveHateSchool : ugh same here. i was on to doing whatever was after grade 8 and it was too much pressure for my 16 yr old self.
lots of regrets but i didn't like it anyway so not going to pick it up again (no time now anyway)
im planning to start learning the guitar soon myself because the...
I know someone who is a teller (I'm 19) and has been for the past 1 or 2 years, so its possible. Doing B.comm would definitely help.
Tips: Correct spelling on your resume and cover letter.
Well I came across some 'feedback' while looking for more info on CC work and most of the stuff I read was about how people only got a couple of shifts across the whole 3 months. Maybe try to get another one on top of it if you're looking for something more stable? (just in case)
Hey everyone!
I have a group interview coming up for Forever New (for a christmas casual position) and I was just told by my mom that she had booked a holiday for us to go overseas to meet the rest of my family and celebrate CNY together.
The problem is, the application did say that their...