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  1. B


    The fact that these posts are under "Exam Thoughts" just made me feel like a train hit me!It's about to start :((((((
  2. B

    Does anyone else...

    Wow, this is exactly how I feel! I just have the biggest fear of getting an ATAR in the 60's. There are times when I'm like "I should get 85ish" but then I read something (usually on here lol) that makes me think "I'm screwed!"
  3. B

    Just Another ATAR Estimate :)

    Thanks. How much does the school ranking affect the estimate and the actual ATAR?
  4. B

    Just Another ATAR Estimate :)

    Advanced English- 69% - 5/9 Mathematics- 66% - 4/7 PDHPE- 72% - 2/11 CAFS- 79% - 5/12 Drama- 84% - 2/8 ATAR ESTIMATE? School Rank- 200ish
  5. B

    Hamlet Quote

    How about "Now might I do it pat, now a is a-praying...And so goes to heaven" That's Hamlet getting the chance to kill Claudius but not because Claudius might go to heaven, something Hamlet doesn't want. Argue he's just making up excuses!
  6. B


    I know =/ That would be weird!
  7. B


    What exactly happened there?
  8. B


    I've seen a few questions asking how to convert essays to speeches/articles etc. I was unaware that they could even ask you to do that in the exam? If they can, for what modules etc could they ask you to do it in (besides creative writing obviously). And have they ever done it before?
  9. B

    creative writing stimulus

    No often the stimulus is used as inspiration. There has to be some connection to it but unless they ask, you don't have to directly put it in your story. And having a basic plotline/character that will fit in many situations is advisable!
  10. B

    & instead of 'and'

    Ok so I was just wondering if its acceptable to do a "&" instead of the word "and" in all the exams. Probably a really stupid question I know, but I'm just making sure !
  11. B

    PD/H/PE Trials!

    I'm doing the independent tomorrow! Any hints???