i hated the entire exam - i was aiming for a band 6, now i'm thinking a low band 5. mutliple choice relativly hard, as were the short answers. in preparation for the long response i had writen like 15 essays, so to make it easier on myself i then discarded the questions from the last two exams...
i thought it was pretty good. i didnt like the personality question as i had studyed for a question that was more along the lines of products of their time/events influence people. in saying that, it was easier enough to just give a recount of their life
Overall i found the test relatively esay, although the mutliple choice were particuarly challenging (if anyone has the answers that would be great). I was a bit annoyed with the hearing question whiched asked for three different types of mammals - i had researched 3 animals, but only one of them...