dude, if its an adaption on prescribed texts its fucking verging on plagiarism - so no.
And so what if its one text, it's still a series of indiviual questions.
everyone just chill.
It's just the BOS wording things shit. It's not the first time they've worded things badly.
righto! that's alot better. can pump my marks up by doing solidly in HSC exams. I've crusied through most of this year so hoping the major increase in study and effort for these exams will push me upto 90.05.
thanks for your help guys!
They were overall assesment marks and our assesments have ALL been marked at HSC marking standard.
It's selective but it's not soley based on marks, based on marks and ability to complete independant learning and motivate yourself. Basically it's a senior school run like a Uni/TAFE.
Okay, so...
Does it matter what the marks actually are? that's alot lower than I was hoping for.
rough assessment mark calculations were:
Modern History: 74.9
Society and Culture: 92
Studies of Religion II: 85
Visual Art: 84.5
Advanced English: 87.9
I go to a selective senior school that all the teachers...
Modern History: 19/53
Society and Culture: 9/62
Studies of Religion II: 16/47
Visual Art: 12/59
Advance English: 50/156
School rank 135-45
please and thankyou! :)
So, I put in like a 75 to just see how that would go, and it goes to like a 65...?
Would that be correct-ish?
Sorry, all this stuff confuses me. :S
It's just modern is my worst subject and everything else I will get mid-80s/90s for and I want to make sure if I tank modern I can still get...
I haven't done much all year so picking up my game should be okay but yeah, I do have to consider everyone else will as well. I've been legit the worst HSC student ahaha.
I just hope I can get there. I can always go to wollongong if I dont get the mark for unsw.
thanks for your help!
Okay cool. I need to get 89, so I will aim to improve all rankings then!
If I do realllly well in the HSC exams will that help improve all that stuff and make a 90 possible if I can't improve all the rankings by enough?
Thanks for all your help, you're a legend! :)
oh ahaha,
thats the plan.
have legit winged the most part of year 12.
If I improve those two ranks to say
art: 15/59 (I ranked 7/59 in my 1/2 yearly, just majorly screwed up one assesment)
sor: 17/49
would that improve it a fair bit?
sorry for all the questions. I just really don't...
so say
my ranks are:
Adv Eng. 44/156
Modern. 14/55
Society: 8/63
Religion II 24/49
Art: 25/59
what would that do?
and as I said before my school is in the 130s.