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  1. M


    The exam was ok today, as long as u knew communication and OH&S it was good, it wasn't as easy as i was expecting, such as the building plan question confused me alot :spzz: other then that i found it ok hope everyone else did well!!! :awesome:
  2. M

    Industrial tech

    I thought it was the easiest paper of all the past past papers i could find :) I think it is going to be really hard for them to rank people with the easiness of the paper, even the 2 extended response questions were very easy!! :awesome: PS i made a entertainment unit as my project
  3. M

    Industry Notes

    Thank you for taking the time to write and share them :) They are some of the most simple straight to the point notes on these topics,I have read. (and I have read at alot) Thank you Mick