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  1. E

    Physics VS Economics - 2 terms in

    ATAR wise, they scale the same anyway so look at other factors e.g. which do you enjoy more / are better at? which has the better teachers? also look at the competition at school for each subject, go for the one with smarter peers for support
  2. E

    How to befriend a girl

    awkward conversations = creepy if you're not good looking else = sexual tension if you're hawt listen to the PUA
  3. E

    Could I do Ext 2 English with these marks?

    I'm doing Ext2 with worse marks than yours lol From talking to my brother and his friends who did Ext 2, many people get awesome Ext2 marks but not necessarily high Adv / Ext 1 marks, and vice versa. It's weird, like Ext2 English is a totally different set of skills compared to Adv and Ext 1.
  4. E

    Are teachers allowed to share work you hand in to them with the class?

    Wow copyright infringement / academic misconduct much?
  5. E

    Subject units

    so if I did English Adv and English Ext 1, and I'm bad at English Adv but good at Ext 1 will the Adv count for 1 unit?
  6. E

    Where is everyone up to in Maths

    Well considering that schools don't always follow the same order, answers here cant be compared we're doing permucombos at school at the moment
  7. E

    99+ atar

  8. E


    cool vid proud to be ruse