You should definitely give it a go, especially since you mentioned you have a passion for maths. I also believe having one of the Arnolds teaching you is a serious bonus. My own MX2 teacher said he was leagues ahead of him in terms of both mathematical ability, and skill at teaching the course...
Well I was quite absorbed in that balloon... I don;t even know what time i got in.
Another funny thing was when everyone first started lining up out the front of the hall, I had just stopped walking to talk a look around and ended up in the middle of the line.
I also noticed that it was like the only light not turned on in our end of the hall.
When I craned my neck around to look out the back window I saw some weird guy fogging up the window lol
I nearly fell asleep waiting for the test to start. I guess the solid 1 and a half hours of sleep I got the night before didn't help.
Anyone near the back of the hall notice that white balloon/thingamajig hanging off one of the lights? I was staring at it all morning wondering how much chaos it...
Re: 2012 HSC MX2 Marathon
Ok so you know how multiplication can be considered repeated addition of a number (eg 5x = x + x + x + x + x), and exponentiation can be considered repeated multiplication(eg x^5 = x * x * x * x * x)? Well repeated exponentiation (eg x^x^x^x^x^....^x is called...
Re: 2012 HSC MX2 Marathon
Can graphs be used in inequality type questions to show how 1 curve may be larger than the other or are always greater than a specific value?
For example, in cutemouse's question, Just by manipulating the values of a_{k} and a_{k+1} and then using the fact that 2^k <...
Re: 2012 HSC MX2 Marathon
Just to make it slightly easier, reduce the deck number to 1, and we are only considering it to be a win if both players are below 22. (im not sure if this makes it easier or harder)
EDIT: And yes, this is becoming worse and worse as I think about it.
What's the...
Re: 2012 HSC MX2 Marathon
Alright! Time for a (possibly ridiculous) Probability question.
Jack and Michael are playing a game of blackjack, using 8 standard decks.
i. How many two card selections are there:
a) in total?
b) that will have blackjack?
ii. What is the probability of:
a) only one...
Re: 2012 HSC MX2 Marathon
Damn, guess I will have to start again lol
Does the fact that the limit of the sum as 2n approaches infinity = e^x have anything to do with the question?
Re: 2012 HSC MX2 Marathon
Let's see if this works...
p(x) = 1 + x + \frac{x^2}{2!} + \frac{x^3}{3!} + ... + \frac{x^{2n}}{2n!}
We know that n is an integer, so 2n must be even. Therefore, p(x) is an even polynomial, as it has a degree of 2n.
From the fundamental theorem of algebra, we also...