I'm looking for causal/part time work and I do not have any work experience at all...
I have applied for numerous positions online via Seek and Wowcareers however still have not recieved any calls/emails.
So I was wondering would it be a good idea to roam around the shopping centre looking...
As a fresher I have no idea where go if I wanted to join (try out) for a sport and am dying to play some form of sports in uni. Although I've heard most sport comps are held at Cumbo, where to go in the main campus?
Re: Is it ok to go to the enrolment session having not decided with UoS you are doing
I'm doing Health Sciences and I don't understand where the unit of studies I can choose from on this page http://sydney.edu.au/handbooks/health_sci/undergraduate/b_health_sciences.shtml
Re: Is it ok to go to the enrolment session having not decided with UoS you are doing
Will they provide a simple subject list you can choose from because the website unit of study overview confuses the crap outta me.