Drop out and work at the mines
And screw maths, thats easy shit, i used to be failing all my maths tests getting like 20% each test until i took it by the throat and ripped its asshole and by the finals i raped that shit and got like 90%
As and advice to you, you should have a single storyline you can mold to all sorts of questions and improve it as you approach the HSC. Some of the best past creative pieces were from personal experiences, so if you have had a personal experience that relates you your area of study, use it as a...
As a 1st year student at UTS, the lectures are ok, some are just terrible, some lectures don't even relate to what you do in tutes. tutes aren't compulsory and everything is basically up to you if you want a good mark. But other than that, you HVE plenty of free time and it's pretty relaxed.
Was just wondering, are you meant to drink a protein shake daily, even on days you didn't go gym or do you only drink a protein shake before/after a workout?
Which option would provide the most gains?
Lol, kinda funny how you blame others/make up excuses for your failure, you're better off repeating and doing subjects you LIKE if you want a good ATAR or going TAFE, at this rate I'd say your ATAR would be 50~60. Admit your mistakes, start fresh and study like fuck till the HSC you might be...
Just wondering if anyone has done the exam questions as a i need some for some questions and the discussion board does not provide enough info..
wtf? this has no relevance the the origianl question..
if you cant handle year 12, even thought its not even that stressful.. >_> then drop out and go tafe, there's always other pathways to uni
(i did 10 units, you have a lot of time on your hands)