Search results

  1. C

    3u maths 2 unit or general ..

    Never drop to General Maths. That subject was the biggest mistake I ever made -_- If you're going to drop, then drop to 2 unit math, but not any lower than that.
  2. C

    Uni Bridging Courses?

    Thanks! :D and loooool I thought the EX meant EXtension :P
  3. C

    Uni Bridging Courses?

    Surprisingly, very well. I'm not struggling too much with anything at the moment, which is awesome. I scored 100% in my last maths test and I'm getting higher marks than some of the guys doing EX1 and EX2. Obviously I do have to study a bit more than everyone else.
  4. C

    Uni Bridging Courses?

    I did a bridging course for maths extension 1 at UTS. It ran for about 10 days and wasn't very helpful. They only go through a few math topics. The course was free though. If the uni has bridging courses running for free, then I recommend attending them.
  5. C

    BIT/ICT Engineering camp

    Yeah.. stupid General Math..I've been studying 2 unit throughout the holidays.. obviously it's not fully absorbed in my brain because I'm going so fast through it, but I'm getting there. I don't know if the bridging course will help much.. and I really want to go to the camp. I need friends. lol.
  6. C

    BIT/ICT Engineering camp

    I'm a girl and studying ICT!! Dunno if I'll be able to go to the camp though.. it clashes with my bridging course.. FUUUUUUUUUU-
  7. C

    UTS Rollcall 2012

    Bachelor of ICT Engineering (Software) at city campus, 1st Year :D I can't wait to start!!
  8. C

    Standard English Raw Marks

    Aww I got all excited for nothing. lol Thankyou for replying.
  9. C

    Standard English Raw Marks

    My exam mark for Standard English was 87... does that mean that the raw mark would have been somewhere in the 90's because Standard English marks are pulled down? Or am I completely wrong?
  10. C

    ATAR Estimate Please :)

    School rank is around 270 Standard English - 3/88 Chemistry - 1/20 General Maths - 1/63 Physics - 3/21 (marks between the top 3 are very close together) Software Design and Development - 1/6 Thanks everyone!
  11. C

    ATAR Estimate please :)

    School rank is around 270-ish Physics: 1/21 Chemistry: 2/20 General Maths: 1/63 Software Design and Development: 1/6 Standard English: 2/92
  12. C

    Is this enough?

    No idea... but it looks awesome.:uhhuh:
  13. C

    2 Terms Left

    My goal is to come first in all my subjects, and top 3 in English.
  14. C

    Which option are you doing for chem ?

    My teacher's leaning towards Industrial. The biologists in our class want Biochemistry though. I'll cry if we do Biochemistry.
  15. C

    where are you up to in chem?

    We just finished Acidic Environment.
  16. C

    Difference between amphiprotic and amphoteric

    Awesome! Thanks everyone! =D
  17. C

    Difference between amphiprotic and amphoteric

    Hey guys =) I asked my teacher the difference between amphoteric and amphiprotic the other day, and she told me she had no clue, and said she'd get back to me later. She hasn't mentioned it since, so I came here. I tried googling this, but I still don't understand it, because it all sounds...