Adv. Eng - 95% (probably more like 90%)
Bio - 90%
Chem - 80% would be dandy, realistically, a pass!
Modern - 90% would be great, probably 85% realistically.
II SOR - 95% (probably more like 90%)
Found the school ranking thing - my school comes in at around 360 something. I have no idea what that means for me, but regardless, I will put my best effort in!
We've done 25% of our assessment mark in a couple of subjects. :P Trust me, I will be working hard!
So far my ranks are pretty unexceptional, but we've only done a few tasks (a couple of which had pretty hefty weighting). I don't know our exact class numbers, but I'm about 6/44 in Bio, 8/50...
Re: 99.95 ATAR, 96 Modern - Offering FREE Modern History Tutoring (+free English help
Are you still offering this? I'd love to email/msn you with some Modern questions. c: