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  1. max ernst

    Top 3 Songs that are "One Timers"

    thanks man, i'll give em' a listen
  2. max ernst

    Top 3 Songs that are "One Timers"

    werd. there are lots of indie electronic (or whatever) bands doing it. but i can't really get into them as much as bands like new order or depeche mode.
  3. max ernst

    Top 3 Songs that are "One Timers"

    ah, lame. and that new order song you posted up ^there^ is such a jam.
  4. max ernst

    Top 3 Songs that are "One Timers"

    yeah it's just the phrase 'one timer' is kinda weird you know? it's like you've only listened to it once.. but whatever
  5. max ernst

    Top 3 Songs that are "One Timers"

    the fuck is a one timer