I doubt I did the modification right and I only vaguely remember what i wrote but Im pretty sure I wrote about introducing more training/education service and more epmporary accommodation or something like that... probably wrong :/ what did youp put?
yay got exactly these answer with the exception of 20 - i put D and for 7 i actually put A because isnt random selecting a certain number of the representative population, giving each individual an equal chance of being selected? Sorry if im wrong ... which i probably am on that one lol
I do individuals and work :) but overall, it was a pretty alright exam... wrote so much... which is something i dont usually do in exams lol. but yaaaay FINAL EXAM OUT OF THE WAY :D
Ahhh you're giving me hope! Last exam tmr, and I'm totally motivated to continue my study now! :D... although I am a tad concern with my subject selection but whatever, cant do anything about that :/
Well my ranks are pretty alright.. they're not AMAZINGGG lol but lets just say I'm basically above average for most of them ... with the exception of sor1 (lost of interest lol)... but honestly, I havn't been putting in much effort for the hsc exams... I know its entirelymy fault, but I'm still...
Sorry, this is a very ambiguous and vague question as the expectations and standards may vary from subject to subject and what not... but basically, is it HARD to achieve an atar of 70? Because after completing my exams... im really starting to underestimate my abilities of achieving an atar of...