Hello, I will be doing COMP1917 for semester 2 and wanted to ask if the prescribed textbook (Programming Problem Solving &Abstraction with C) necessary for the course despite it being prescribed
Also, would you recommend buying the course notes for the course
Im currently a year 1 eng/com student doing math1131 as i have a relatively poor maths performance (band 6 for 2u and e3 for 3u), so would like to ask if you would recommend me to take acturial studies as my major???
just to refine on that, i have asked the asb student centre for advice and...
My current timetable consist of these courses ENGG1000, MATH1131, ACCT1501 and ECON1102
But I haven't enrolled in the commerce courses as I wanted to make sure that I can do both engineering and commerce in semester 1
So I cannot do commerce cores in the first semester, because my brother said that I can thus my current timetable is half-half (half engineering and half commerce)
If I can't, its best for me to change it as soon as possible so that I can secure my spots in the other engineering cores
I was accepted into a double degree course (B Engineering/B Commerce) and is now making the timetable.
I have read the handbook and it states that first year, I will be doing these courses: MATH1131, PHYS1121, COMP1911 and ENGG1000
I put in these courses and have chose the lecture, tutorial and...
I want to ask if you get the order of the words of the quote wrong, or if you get some of spelling wrong, will you get penalised and get marks deducted, if you do, then how many marks get deducted
Will these ranking and subject get me an ATAR of over 90?
I need an ATAR of around 97 to get into the course I want, but I will settle with an ATAR of over 90 due to the bonus points scheme that my school is part of.
So I want to ask if these ranking will get me an ATAR of over 90???
Me and my classmate has asked my teacher to explain the assessment task many times since the day I got the notification, however, he only repeated the assessment task and didn't explain it any further. This is the reason why I am posting here, asking for help, because my teacher cannot explain...
I have already ask my teacher, however I still don't get what am I suppose to do for this assessment task, which why I am starting to panic because I don't fully understand this assessment task.
So, I would really appreciate your help
I need to do an assessment task for conflicting perspective, and the assessment task requires me to present a visual representation. But I don't know how to do it, can anyone help?
The task says:
"How has your understanding of the relationship between representation and meaning been developed...