If any one could estimate this for me
English (adv): 25/55, trial percentage:70%
Economics: 8/30, trial percentage:78%
Chemistry: 16/40, trial percentage:75%
Modern History: 10/50, trial percentage:76%
Maths (2 unit): 8/55, trial percentage:83%
My teachers are...
I'd say Japanese as I find it easier to learn than Mandarine as it doesn't have 4 ways of prenounshing a word which each way means something different and it has some English words.
It's best if you already have a background in an Asian language as it's much harder to pick up on (speaking from...
I need story ideas for english advanced, we are doing 'inner journeys' but I'm suffering writers block for story ideas. Please help.:(
P.S: thanks to any body that suggest stuff.