In the HSC Adv Maths exam, I realised that I skipped a whole page of questions like 20 secs before the thing finished. But I was too happy that the exam was over to care
I got on Roaccutane in 2008 for three-ish months and all I had to do extra was put on sunscreen (in didn't affect the dryness of my skin as extremely but my lips were super dry)
My skin's been much better since then and all the scarring etc is gone. I get the occasional pimple but dats lyf...
I just got one today and I've tried using the side of my thumb, my index finger, pretending there's a pick in my hand and using all my fingers in a ~sweeeping~ motion
None of these felt comfortable and I couldn't pick up the strumming speed
Do you just get used to it or
umat imo comes down to how you're feeling on the day and how good your attention span/concentration is during those three hours. practice how much ever you like, but make sure you are feeling 200% on the day and FOCUSED.
The French Lieutenant's Woman by John Fowles
It was quite good. I really liked the protagonist and his reactions to his problems but I did not like the 'French Lieutenant's woman' (not to say that her character wasn't well thought out) but she did not develop at all and that annoyed me.
But I...
cut-off is 95.95 and besides, i wanna do law at unsw
and i've come to realise that if i do int studies, i'll have a year to think about whether i really, absolutely want to do law.
also, like the other guy said, racist dicks are everywhere and actually are fun to laugh at.
look at the less racist people, i'm sure there are more of them
and instead of just moving straight to china, stay there on a work visa for a while and see if you like it there more than you do here
Re: The Official Cricket Thread
that's true, seeing as india getting even close to 650 before friday seems impossible. gambhir is doing ~okay~ atm though
ah shit dravid got out what is this fuckery
Re: The Official Cricket Thread
it's still india, world cup winner with tendulkar/sehwag etc, so i s'pose they're still a bit wary instead of being overconfident.
although india is painfully embarassing to watch at this point
So I got a relatively low ATAR for combined law (95.75) and I'm wanting to do Int Studies/Law at either Usyd or UNSW but I don't know if I should do Int Studies at UNSW for a year and apply for an internal transfer (as it is 100% based on how you went in the degree) or do the same at Usyd (but...