I'm in the same boat. D/W
I wanted to do Commerce/Arts but now i'm pretty excited to do Media studies anyway.
But i did have my own little cry.
My saving grace was my ancient mark 97 only band 6!
my marks are:
97: ancient
38: His X
84: Business ( and I came first on an average of...
Business studies, I came first, was getting 90's- 100 in marks and then got 84 combined, 85 internal which got aligned down since i actually got 90 raw and then 83 in exam... Jipped.
Does anyone know a site or know some good questions that can cover alot for both the case-study and the Historiography section?
Or recommend what year's question would be good to practice on?
Year 12 ruled, the period after the HSC will rule, the actual HSC and trials and stress? nup and you can't say either or is going to be better, it depends what people do with their lives and if you aren't happy then you are obviously not doing something you're passionate about.
I cannot Cannot Cannot Stress how Important it is to learn the syllabus
and I don't mean just ' know it' like every other subject.
Learn it work for word. legit if you put the syllabus into your long-term memory by learning a fews dot points each night, you have an 80% chance of success...
Administration was the best 10 mark, I am confident of getting 10/10 for that
Xerxes Military achievements was a bit annoying and the last time i practiced it was when i was actually studying him and I was pretty vague on the revolts and i didn't mention the Davea inscription but i did...
15 mark made me be like
this is sort of easy because it's really open but WTF DO YOU WANT ME TO PUT IN THIS? haha
so i did some lycurgan reforms, some agoge, austere life style community stuff and leisure activities and a bit of social structure. I think i did it reasonably well it was so open...
The only time i looked over Conservation was to add information to my Ethical issues question, so i had a bit of content and i have a good memory so i could remember vague details about the problem but i definitely lost marks there, i'll probably get tops 7/10 for being vague and babbling on...
You can only Illness/misadventure if you aren't going to go to the exam.
As soon as you walk in there that means you have personally assessed yourself to be fit enough to do the exam.
there are extreme circumstances but chances aren't good due to lack of evidence.
10 Mark on P& H screwed me over a bit but that and Xerxes military achievements is were i lost my marks I think i may be able to get a band six, but it depends on how they mark it compared to my school i guess...
Hey everyone i have had the biggest mind blank, if the question is on just the delian league and not athenian empire, do we still go till 440 bc with the land empire stuff or stop at around 450 BC?
It was a pretty good fair test
Unfortuanately I lost 8 marks on finacial and bloody bearings, my guess is ill get around 85. Luckily i think the girl who cam first found it really easy and she beat me by point 9 so that should boost up my internal a bit lets hope haha
How is every ones study going?
I did Xerxes yesterday and today I am doing Greek World. Just finished Persian Wars, gonna walk dogs then get onto Delian League which is always fun but longggg.
I would die of Happiness if I got asked a question on Themistocles though shame they asked it in...