I saw the lady who took the photo interviewed. Because it moved, my guess is a small bug, like a fruit or vinegar fly. And the strange orange ligth she saw to me looks a LOT like the sunset in the trees...
Surely it'd be simpler to just kill shakespeare? Maybe this idea of matricide stems from a deep rooted jealousy... perhaps an OEDIPUS COMPLEX?!?! I'm onto you hamlet. You may have got a computer and boredofstudies account, but i can tell its you >.<:ninja:
Also, look into the fact that Hamlet has no way fo knowing if the ghost is his father, or an apparition from the devil. there's pretty much direct quotes showing his doubt, so its not even slightly theoretical :)
I'm not really trying to say anything, more looking for discussion. I don't think he is gay, and think those readings lack evidence.
Also, I'm more trying to say that if he was, he would feel guilt for not being like his father, not so much his father made him gay.
And no answer to the ophelia...
Three things:
1. I would have no problem with Hamlet being homosexual
2. This is not MY reading of the text, but one that i've heard of. I'm simply looking a evidence for it
3. I am not gay, so what I say IS uninformed, however I'm going to try to avoid making assumptions and generalisations...
i hate skrzynecki! He whinges about bugger all!
Also, Hamlet is possibly the ORIGINAL emo kid. If elsinore had a mall, he would be hanging around in it with a thomas the tank engine back pack on.
"'Tis not alone my inky cloak, goodmother,...
These are but the...
I'm trying to set up some notes for me to study, about Hamlet, but I'm really unsure about where to begin with my analysis. I've picked out some key quotes, and have a rough Idea, but my usual first step would be to make a thesis, and I can't do that with this because of how vague it is (the...