I'm sort of hesitating between doing commerce/law and commerce/science (adv maths), its about a 50-50 even split between the two choices and I have no idea what to do. I just want to know, for those currently doing this course or knows someone that does it, how difficult is it in terms of...
I've read up on the unsw handbook on some courses such as commerce/science (adv maths), and in the program structure they mentioned - in my case- of needing to study 24-48 UOCs of level I science. As much as its reasonably clear to assume that these levels represent difficulty of the elective, I...
I have a small question for those that are doing/have done either of these courses or know people that are doing it, im wondering which course has the higher workload ? (as in lecture + self study combined)
im a pretty lazy person who is in a dilemma of which course to do... and i sort of...
For all the practice papers ive done on medentry, even after doing all of the drills,, i have no idea on what to do when it comes to pick the middle questions, I'm absolutely s tuck and hopeless.
so i was wondering in the actual exam, about what proportion of section 3 is on pick the middle...
hi everyone~
ive been struggling to find any related texts for emily dickinson's poems to do with her relationship with people and nature. Ive tried using shaun tan's 'the arrival' but our teacher says these two texts are too different as one is about a cultural belonging whereas the other...
hi, after reading the 2011 atar cut offs, i saw a course UNSW listed as B Medical Science with an atar of 97.8, and above it another course named B Medicine/B Surgery N/A, i was wondering what the difference is between the two courses, seeing that they both include medicine to some degree...