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  1. K

    NEEDED: Teenage girls to participate in my IRP survey

    Thanks fot that. Does everything else sound ok?
  2. K

    NEEDED: Teenage girls to participate in my IRP survey

    Thanks heaps Yeah i thought Q10 needed a bit of work. N e ideas?
  3. K

    NEEDED: Teenage girls to participate in my IRP survey

    Survey The information that is received in this survey will be used only for study and statistical purposes. Please answer all questions as you as the participant will remain anonymous. 1) How old are you?___________________ 2) Are you happy with you body image? Yes/ No 3) If answered No...
  4. K

    IRP: how does the media effect female perceptions of bosy image- survey q's needed =)

    Re: IRP: how does the media effect female perceptions of bosy image- survey q's neede Im on the home stretch now, mine is due next week. We have been marked periodically which is good and im on 79% so far. Last weighting is out of 20% so things are looking good. Just need a few final...
  5. K

    IRP: how does the media effect female perceptions of bosy image- survey q's needed =)

    IRP QUESTION: How does the media effect female perceptions of a body image and has it consequently affected their wellbeing? I am looking for some in depth survey or interview questions that can assist me on getting the answer required. Help? lol Thanks