its not embarrasment i fear its that as it is any sense of logical argument is lost on these types of forums and that anybody that comes to these types of fourms leave without anything. also i already knew that im just the type that likes arguments
no there really wasnt as by killing him all that occured was that instead of germans persecuting jews the rest of the world persecuted germans, also its not like society can be let off for that occurence seeing as the germans whole stab in the back ww1 thing and the jews in germany being the...
i do not understand how religion is barbaric in what it preaches, take christianity for example and its 10 commandments they are a moral guide and make the world better. its when there twisted by people they become bad. if your to say religion is barbaric then you must also admit society is bad
that is naive, religons have brought many people together and happiness i would say rather than the religon being barbaric its the person who practises that religon and how he acts, humans are barbaric we just hide it behind our society. eg most nations go to war and provide justification for it...
ok so 3 women were canned for sex, now think back 20 or 30 yr ago when people all though highschool would have been canned way more than 3 times for way less than having extra marrital sex. the punishment wasnt that barbaric and islam isnt a barbaric religion sure there are some who take it to...