My boyfriend always shakes his head and says "You dont get how amazing you really are. You may not be the most beautiful person in the world, but you are the most beautiful person in my world"
Eventually I started to see that im not as ugly as i used to thinnk :)
Ohh, I am always running in mine too. its always night time and everything is black except for fires burning everywhere and im always running and searching for something... but i always know there are things/people following me and if they catch me they will hurt me. :(
Re: them cityrail moments
My friends and I had to catch a train to get to Sydney uni for a school trip and after being on the train for less than 45 minutes this woman started going crazy and yelling at the guards "So your telling me i cant even have sex on this fucking train. Well next time...
I have been having really bad nightmares the last week and a half. Everynight its the same dream mostly, but an added figure or feeling. I wake up shaking at some stage every night and cant get back to sleep because i still have the feeling of people watching me.
The best mascara i have ever used is Maybelline Pulse Perfection.
It vibrates when you put it on to ensure even coverage, its fantastic. I wouldn't use anything else.
Depends on the night as to what i drink. But usually malibu, passion pop, coronas, and cruisers/illusions/breezers etc :)
I get the major giggles when im tipsy. I hate being beyond the tispy stage though. I remember elbowing my best friend in the face when we were drunk once.. never let myself...
The old one was foul, the new one taste just like V and by making an orange flavoured one it just encourages more people to drink it. Its a heart attack in a can, its as simple as that.