I think Kevin Rudd will improve if he wins the election and obviously his strategies will be revised. Tony Abbott has nothing to offer this country. He is a conservative and small minded man, his policies and stances on social issues are disgraceful to a country that has fought so hard for their...
I've basically done terribly in three assessment tasks so far which is very unlike me but i have had personal issues interfering with school recently. My past results show that i have the ability to do much much better and i am completely committed to school now. Hypothetically, if I get 95% on...
if you want inspiration read the poem 'sleep' by kenneth slessor... if your doing advanced you probably have. My favourite poem =) being born is "the expulsion and the awakening" so you get the idea. it has a harsh overtone to the ending/birth part which could help you
in the book 'Pompeii - nowadays and 2000 years ago' there are large pics of the house of faun and about 6 paragraphs on it. It has design diagrams and coloured pics etc. It's not bad.