You get a huge sense of satisfaction from completing the 4u course and continuing it into your hsc. The ATAR is just a mark, and if you wanna do better in uni (depending on your course), the more you know about maths the better.
Sweet, wat else cold they do to MW to make it better? will get repetitive if they dont keep adding new material. MW2 lived up 2 expectations, hope MW3 will too
You can only make transistors so small before you have to come up with something new - just like when the transistor replaced the thermionic valve. Interesting to see what they come up with next.
Everyone learns differently. I never had a tutor, but i know people who have and it helped them heaps. I prefer to sit down with my mates and discuss the work - more fun that way. The best thing to do would be to take a few tutoring lessons, see if you like it and if you think it will help, then...
Yeah i really got the gist this year that the BOS has targeted people who give regurgitated answers. I think its good that people have to learn and understand the course, not just the answers.
The multicore question stretch the brain a bit though lol
In hindsight, i found that one of the best things i did was keep my routine flexible, and because i get bored easily, mix it up a bit. make sure you do plenty of sports - healthy body, healthy mind (omg that sounds philosophical)
I spose its really up to your personal taste, but heres a few that i have enjoyed:
Blink by Ted Dekker
Any of the Matthew Reilly books (haven't read hovercar racer)
Old kingdom trilogy by Garth Nix
Dan Browns first 4 books (new one looks promising)
Halo ODST was a bit too dark at times, even with the VISR equipped. I know they wanted to get the tense moments happening but seeing enemies as more than just red outlines would help.
Not sure how rite this is, but we were told that only the stuff you write on the lines is marked, and to do all working/writing on the lines. Hope im wrong!