I think you should go back to school for another year since people at uni are generally 18. Could you even go and see an MA15+ movie with them? It's just going to be far more socially awkward that you think.
If you can't see that, then that just proves you should do another year of schooling...
Wow mate, you just don't get it do you? Here, you're being racist against white's yourself, by stereotyping all whites as racist with your implication that any white person deserves to cop abuse from other races, because of what happened in the past. You're basically saying that an aboriginal...
that obviously wudn't work they'd notice if its over 100% you dumb or sumthing? And ur 2nd lot of ideas is even sillier. Srsly, i cant believe you wud think getting a monkey wud even work. i hope ur prepared to get a not-too good mark for this test if thats ur ideas for xtra marks are u...
i dont get is wats so funny about my idea guys i thought it was prty good and a few guys from my school are gonna use it nxt week in some other exams is think if they cant do a sect well
no i thought of that and i wasnt gonna post it but then i sudenly rlised it cud work in other exams to like if theres 2 essays like sect3 and sect4 den you just do sect3 twice
hey man im just like all of u guys but i had some insperation and had a good idea. i kno its a mad trick but yeah dont too many ppl use it or the bos mite figure it out
hey man no need to be like dat im just tryin to be nice and tell every1 my idea so we can all use it in later exams or ppl can do it next year and i label it q6 so i hope the ppl marking q6 dont notice they rote my marks down alredy and add them again
hey but make sure not 2 many of u guys use...
hey guys so i was doin the exam yeah and then i got up to question 7 and i was like wtf is this so then i had this rly gud idea. cos the bos lady sed our papers get split and all da q's are marked in diff places, so i jus did q6 twice and gave in 2 q6 books and mabye they wont notice that i rote...