Thanks guys:) i hope so!!
Sorry rank for cafs 1/11
Drama 1/7
Maths 3/ two maths classes (not exactly sure how many but like 20 people in each at least) saying that Fairwork Australia is abolishing AWA's... as in the Rudd Government...but thanks anyways my teacher gave us bloody five lessons on this:)
Fairwork Australia=Rudd Government= Abolishing AWA's....
P.s I doubt theyre going to ask a substantial question on this...
Not really aiming for something in particular just wondering what kind of ATAR I would be looking is ranked in 300's
English Advanced: 85% 2/20
Business Studies=87% 2/60
CAFS= 85% ( although i did badly on this exam because I was sick the day before so would get in 90s...
Metaphors Found in NSW Year 12 English essays
Her face was a perfect oval, like a circle that had its two sides gently compressed by a Thigh Master.
She grew on him like she was a colony of E. coli and he was room-temperature prime English beef.
She had a deep, throaty, genuine laugh, like...
Yeah i get you...and i just checked the cycle in my textbook and it was as i have written it:)...
Could anyone please answer the question i asked before ??:(
I don't think they would ask to write out the financial planning cycle anyways...probably in multiple choice like past papers 'which of these is not part of the financial planning cycle' sort of thing...because imagine having to explain all nine in a
Not really
1) Determining current financial position
2) Determining Financial Elements of the business plan
3) Developing Budgets
4) Cash Flows
5) Financial Statements
6) Interpretation of financcial statements
7) Maintaining records systems
8)Planning financial controls
9) Minimising risks...
Just thought I'd give you a tip for remembering:)
Fairwork= Greater advantages for employees, Labour government initiative.
Workchoices= Liberal governent and employer benefits...
Office of Fairwork Australia: replacing Workplace Ombudsman
Fair Work Australia: Replace AIRC on January...
Sorry if it sounded confusing...I was just saying it in response to the idea that females excel more in creative writing...or then again maybe its just me...can't really speak on behalf of all women!
Yup I think so! But males are better with the whole logical thought essay writing requires...while our minds are running rampant in that section!...Or maybe thats just me
Mann...I think creative writing is my strengthh...for half yearlies and trials got 14/15 from stories i just made up on the spot haha...but then again not so strong in the essay section :angry:
I hope everybody does well:)...I hope I do okay...I've been working hard and consistently the whole year but I'm worried I'll get in the exam and completely CONK OUT! My worst mark for trials was 85...what kind of ATAR do you think I could get?