Thanks so much for that annzy.
You've got me a little freaked out about the psy test and the hearing thing , but it carnt be that bad .
Wow thats a long day , do they start you earlier ;if you get there early?
Thats awesome that yours went well.
Hey guys,
i've got my assessment soon for they army gap year , just wondering if any one could give me the heads up for what it exactly entails?
thanks .
That’s awesome. At the you session that I went to, I was the only girl there not that I was complaining but I was ok then lol. Urm at the stage when like they ring you up and tell you to send all the documentation and stuff for the next part of the process .
Hi ,
Yeah , I agree for the army that it would most likely be male dominated . I like haven't heard of any girls go for the army but im sure there would have to be a few,right .
For the army,operator movement & admin .
Yourself ?
Hey Guys ,
Just wondering , if the there are many girls applying for the gap year 2010 ?
Im tossing up with RAAF and the army at the moment as they were my choosen preferences.