ne1 out there have any notes or ideas on how conflicting perspective is represented within the movie philadelphia & how its related to julius caesar & which scene?????
my teacher was asking how does it represent conflicting perspective of the court scene...wud it be the misuse of power, leadership struggle (andrew diagnosed with AIDS), protest of mobs, issues with homosexuality & AIDS??? i rekon da representation of andrew as an ambitious person is a gr8...
thanks alot...jackydoll i reckon philadelphia is a great movie as it also shows dictatorship & the use of power
u jst dnt know how relieved i am....thank u
need suggestions for some related texts with Julius Caesar...any1 out there who knows of a list can u pliz post it...n wit which scene it relates to...i jst need a start off & will b able 2 manage da rest:uhoh:
already got 1 text...sept 11...but cudnt find anada 1
urgent need it 4 HSC...jst 4...
since u r doing da bach of edu...jst had a few questions bout da course since i want 2 do it nxt year
*did u hav 2 score high in english 2 get in da course
*for da teaching experience...did u get 2 pik where u wantd 2 go or u were put in randomly skul by da uni??
* did u get da job straight away...
neva knew u lookd like dat in
guess who dis is???
yor annoying frend from chem class..... :)
dcided to join da forum...its gr8 for help
will c u 2moro in skul
my career teacher suggested me to do teaching as she said its a beta choice as fashion iindustrial stand 4 a 50/50 chance of employment...whereas i really want 2 do sumthing in fashion as well as hav a permanebt job
was thinking of doing bach of edu & afta i get da degree...will cont for a...
Re: IMPORTANT: help in advanced eng
I know...realised afta i posted it
new to dis whole thing...felt really dumb afterwards
thnx 4 da suggestion...gr8 website
i rekon new moon is gona beta than twilight
saw da trailer....full of action....cnt wait
its also coming out in nov....gr8 time...soon after HSC
still dnt understand why girls classify edward hot wen i rekon jacob is hotter
best place to find analysis, techniques & read sample essays of kite runner is to go on goole & type 'analysis of kite runner khaled hosseini'
u'll find all the info in there
the best book i've eva read....great author
IMPORTANT: help in advanced eng
does ne1 know where to get sample HSC papers for belonging & do any1 know any gud websites which provide summaries/notes for the modules:
romulus my father
blade runner/ frankenstein
poetry- gwen harwood
julius caesar
need this a.s.a.p
luv communication really cool esp the eye part
least fav blueprint....cudnt get da hang of the punnet squares & dat all cross breeding stuff...really hard
other topics alrite
almost end of year 12 still cnt decide wat to do :confused:
stuk b/w bach of primary edu (teacher) or something in fashion industrial
ne1 hav any idea on wat wud b beta???