hey guys,
I have an assesment task coming up end of march, it requires me to find 4 original resources. On the day of the assessment I am to complete an essay, the question will be given on the day. The question will relate to the effectiveness of my prescribed text (The Catcher in the Rye) and...
History tests are all the same 20mc and like 3extended responses 1 essay
I did vn war, prime minister and ONE way they changed aus, (something else i think) for extended response and did migrants essay
I had my trials last week wasn't to bad, for maths just know general equations they will give a few easy questions for the 'drop kicks' (no offence), computer skills was quite easy as well, personally i found science the hardest O_O btw if you are dropping out of school i recommend you study for...
Just putting your name on the test paper basically means you've passed the SC, your friend will be given a certificate but most likely have extremely low marks and depending on your school might not let him/her go on to yr 11/12
wow i watched shine for music the other day, wasn't really paying attention.. and i haven't watched the other film yet, but try starting your essay by outlining both of the protagonist's life and compare each one. Try to include some film techniques which show 'discovery' and how the director...
I have created another representation. Here I left the text to symbolise murder, the grim reaper to symbolise his sins, graveyard to foreshadow his death. I have also added a fence to show that Macbeth has 'crossed' the line and there is now a mountain to symbolise his power.
Well honestly I wasn't sure what to make of it in the first place at all, i was thinking of making a collage to show the 'ambition for power' but wasn't to sure of how to do it, so started googling so images and sorta put that together and wasn't to sure if it was worth handing in or not thts y...
Hi guys i've got an assignment where i have to create a visual representation of an aspect of the play Macbeth by Shakespeare. I was just wondering what you guys think of my visual representation which i tried to incorporate guilt, betrayal, death, murder. Any feedback would be greatly...