Yes! 8 girls on a road trip south. A house 5 minutes from the beach and the local pub/shops. Its going to be an awsome week :) and its only cost a total of $210 each [accomodation + petrol + food]
OMG our creative for the trial was absolute crap, Compose an imaginative narrative which demostrates your mastery of the ideas and techniques used to create 'textual dynamics'. In your composition you may consider the appropiateness of utilising some of the following: metafiction, authorial...
I've got two classes at my school, Forensics is my teachers speciality but the other class complained [since almost all of them have tutoring] saying that their tutors didn't have any notes for this topic. It worked out they're doing industrial which plays to their teachers strengths.
ok, I've done this in a research task and this was the marking guidelines for this dotpoint.
For each:
outline the process of the technique and include a fully labelled diagram of the equipment 2
identifying the mobile and stationary phase for each.
Types of...
Hey, We're doing Textual Dynamics at my school as well. We've finished orlando and FLW and starting Calvino tomorrow. any tips for Calvino? We've done a few essays on FLW and orlando + related.
How're you guys finding it? theres nothing on this topic since it used to be the postmodern section.
mine isn't that bad... was hoping for them to be earlier in the block [only so I could focus on my Queens Guide afterwards]
English Advanced (Paper 1-AOS) 15/10
English Advanced (Paper 2-Modules) 18/10
Mathematics 25/10
[listening] 26/10
3U Maths 27/10
Ext1 English 28/10
Chemistry 3/11...
i agree with you tangent. but i do think the fact that gays can't legally be married is a bit unfair. if they want to do that. then let them, no it wouldn't be sanctified by the church [any one of them that have been mentioned in this thread] but it would still make them equal in the eyes of the...