I was in roughly your position too. In the beginning of year 11 I got 60% in our first ext 1 exam. Now, don't get me wrong, I do have natural talent and wasn't the hardest worker there is, but this mark (however low it sounds) was pretty much the best mark there was, by quite a large margin too...
He was talking about the 5 questions in that probability one. The 5 questions and 4 multiple choice solutions to each question is what confused him.
Anyway, moving on...
Yeah exactly what I was thinking in the exam. And I let some guy make me think I'm a dumb shit! Well Terry, now look at the position we're in :P
q3thefish sure that's fine, but unnecessarily extra work. It's useful in integrating, but not in derivatives.
4a iii) It should be 1-(1/4)^5
Why did I even look at the answer? I look at the solutions then I look at myself and think... you retard...
edit: wait, wtf, 4a iii) was right? oh crap... *looks at self again*... you retard...
lol this happens when every angle used in class is a "nice" number such as pi/6 (which btw, if you look at the actually number which is about 0.524, you won't be thinking it's so nice anymore :P)
I was quite happy to work with that arctan(3/4) answer, just because I knew half the state would...
Sure, people love clean streets, but they take it as a given each and every day and don't appreciate the cleaners behind the scenes. In short - no one wants to be the garbo.
Just a few mistakes I noticed at a quick glance:
Q2d) the circle has radius 2, not 1
Q3a iii) I'm pretty sure the x-intercepts are at x=0,2,-2
But really nice stuff :)
I especially like how easy you made Q7 ii) seem. Damn that one was impossible in my eyes hehe
I did that substitution at first too, but you end up with (u^2-1)^(-3/2) which seems pretty damn hard to integrate on its own...
The proper sub is x=tanu
I counted up 14 expected lost marks and don't expect to have made many if any silly mistakes, so I should get in the low 100's.
It's just so frustrating that when I start typing down some of the Qs I didnt get in the exam, I figure them out there an then... Bleh...
Q6.c.iv) wtf the idea was...
Tank? or overly obsessive? They were exceptions that just carried on ridiculously. No one needs that long to finish the exam. While the theoretical test conditions are 2 hours, to remove the stress of a time limit would mean no more than twice that time.
I'm full Greek and my parents speak it all the time, but I just never had the knack of catching on and speaking it myself. I understand it fluently (except for the odd uncommon words and sayings) but can't for the life of me speak it.This is why I never picked up the subject, that and because my...
Seriously, do you think you learnt anything significant in the past 2 years of English? Would you be worse off if you hadn't done it? Is it just another one of those "when am I ever going to use this weird maths in my life?" kind of things?Personally, I feel all that I learnt built on top of...