Re: Weird dreams....
all my dreams are weird, usually it involves me being some sort of fugitive.. but the weirdest thing that happens is that whenever i see a picture of jesus in my dreams i feel like im being dragged into hell.
Most university courses revolve mainly around the UAI and an interview.
You first apply for the math course, and then apply for the bridging course at the same time or when you get accepted.
but the bridging course might not necessarily give you any more info than your HSC course...
You should...
with 14 units you arent going to get many study periods, if any... and you'll find that these are really good for assignments and just general schooly business...
also, chances are that after about 2 weeks you'll drop one of the subjects anyway.
us women are trivial creatures...
chances are she still has a big thing for you, she's just pissed off that you allowed yourself to get so drunk and as a result cheated on her....
just give her time... and for god's sakes dont stuff it up again...
I liked english until last year....
my english teacher was pure fucking evil....
The year before I was a freaking english genius, and then she popped up and everything went to hell...
Now i have a lovely teacher, but i just cant be fucked because its just full of so much bullshit...
Also in the morning when all the busses and teachers, etc. are driving into school. get a friend to stand on the other side of the road and when a car gets close pretend to raise a rope... makes people paranoid as shit...
heres a funny video of it... in a school it would be pure chaos =)...
If you have a cow or highlander or something similar, lead it up a set of stairs (indoors would be best) that doesnt have a ramp or anything leading down... because cows can walk up stairs but not down.
... also, in impromptu zombie rampage couldn't go astray
- resident evil 4
- alone in the dark
- Guitar hero Metallica on the hard difficulty... it's going to hurt
- tomb raider 1, 2, etc...
- burnout revenge
... though i probably wont get around to one of these =( *sigh*
im not sure if this will help, but i'll try.
in our class we are studying Emma by Jane Austin and Clueless, which is the appropriated form.
i think what the question is asking is how do the different forms of the texts (e.g, movie and novel) influence on the context, values and form. and then...
what our teacher has done throughout the year is given us the syllabus from the board of studies throughout the year.
depending on which textbook you have, the syllabus points may be refered to in each topic.
otherwise you can find it on the Board of Studies website, and basically anything on...
i remember when i was doing my year 10 topic test on evolution the main things i needed to know were the theories by Darwin and Lamarck... and the steps they proposed for each one.
so with Darwin's theory there was the change in the environment and natural selection based on which organisms...
Ok, here's the thing.
I believe in a god, because most people grow up feeling some sort of connection to a 'divine being'. I believe that 'god' is a personal thing it changes for each person, and for this reason god is created by that sense in most people.... 'god' is an abstract concept, like...
Doing all three is really not neccessary. If you're worried about it being an overload i would recomend doing bio and chem, mainly because these will be the most useful and i kinda have a thing for bio.... =)
and even if you find that physics is needed for the uni you want to get into, you can...