Search results

  1. P

    Modern history

    Barack Obama's career in politics is a part of contemporary history. That is, it is directly relevant to the modern era. His inauguration is not considered 'history' as it happened only last year. However, as history is a human creation (to our knowledge), the definition of what it is could...
  2. P

    Modern history

    You could study Barack Obama's life and analyse the factors that led to him becoming the United States president. Then you could write a paragraph about the importance of his presidency for the future, if you like. However, this is contemporary history. I don't study HSC modern history; is...
  3. P

    what is the best jump in rank you have ever had or seen someone else experience

    Well I had a jump in ranks. Sure, a backward jump, but a jump nonetheless. Fifth in legal to fifty-first ... damn Mum spiking my coffee with vodka the morning of the half-yearly. :(
  4. P

    MATHS > english

    I am quite sure Namu was implying that commerce and history are more interesting that mathematics. FYI, > means 'greater than'.
  5. P

    Whoever's Failing General Maths or Gettin Shit Marks This is the Place 4 U

    I think there is. Obviously you can get a reported mark of 100 in any subject. However, aligned marks aren't what go toward your UAI. Apparently General Maths and a few other subjects, e.g. Senior Science, cannot contribute 100 points to your scaled aggregate, i.e. x/500. :)
  6. P

    Terrible Ranking

    It's a pity I did so badly on the exam, as I was ranked fifth in Legal before the half yearlies. I reckon I can get my ranking back up to the top 10 if I stay off the booze for a while ... hopefully that will be enough and hopefully the external exam isn't too tricky! If you're wondering why I...
  7. P

    Terrible Ranking

    Chiara, are you making fun of me? :( PM for help if you're being serious.
  8. P

    Terrible Ranking

    Hello all, This is my first post here. My name is Pigro (don't laugh!) and I received my half yearly school report yesterday. My ranks are indicated in my signature. I came 50th in Legal Studies (out of 51 people). For the record, my half yearly exam mark for Legal was 13% - I was drunk at the...