Search results

  1. D

    How to get best UAI?

    poor quality trolling
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    NBA playoffs

    yeh, dwade vs lebron woulda been fun to watch
  3. D

    2 exams in one day !

    those are hard subjects if i were you id get a temporary tattoo of everything u need to know
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    2 exams in one day !

    no1 iz imprezd by ur spelling u seem lyk a dumbcunt
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    2 exams in one day !

    wow full stops commas and capital letters and your school rankings that is fucking amazing i reckon if i did the hsc this year i can beat you
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    Getting marks back

    the only calculation u need is your uai < everyone else's
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    Did you know/see anyone cheat in the half yearly?

    thats just too fucking bad go have a cry people will always cheat in tests, on people, life deal with it
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    Re: 回复: Re: Scalling in PHYSICS vs CHEMISTRY vs ECONOMICS this is pretty funny
  9. D

    2 exams in one day !

    no1 gives a fuck about how many exams u have on one day not like it matters your gonna fail anyways, coz your a dumb cunt who does gen maths
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    "Everybody Should be forced to take a DNA test"

    what if your wife was murdered and they narrowed it down to 5 suspects, cant progress any further with the case without DNA testing
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    Highest UAI '09

    hes like top 15 of sbhs scrubface
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    Presents for your significant other

    a girl that will suck his dick when he plays guitar hero 3
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    You Dare Verse me?

    its funny how this scrub's online character is worth more than him irl
  14. D

    Sacked female teacher raped two boys
