I 'got' my access card online.
Now I have to go pick it up - but they didn't give me a receipt - just a code.
Do i just take the code- and that's it?
so far, for UAC i've put down engineering/commerce at sydney combined. so I was wondering - when do i specify what engineering stream (civil) i want to do?
how is that even PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE?
I cannot comprehend how fast she would have to write.
Maybe they were 2-page booklets?
lmao. just trying to make myself feel better here.
ah well, at least I can bid adieu to Heathcliff and all...:jump:
I did Romanticism;
'twas quite nice :)
although, I guess I will have to wait and see.
I guess the questions were fair - not 'piss-easy', but not 'kill-me-now-hard'.
Let's just say I was relieved to find they didn't say "THREE PRESCRIBED TEXTS" *wipes sweat from forehead* PHEW.:hat:
Was feeling alright before HSC exams began.
Now, this sums up my feelings:
Hearing from friends who finished in previous years...
I'm supposed to feel GOOD after finishing the exam.
All I feel is stress and anger. "Did I epic-FAIL on that?"
This has seriously been my worst exam 'period'...
by far my worst section.seriously.My argument was weird and probably not what the markers wanted:- through exploring human experience (i.e. the capacity of humanity for deception and the collective fear of death) it is not necessarily the significance of loyalty that is reinforced, but the...
module A was alright.....so was module C.so with those, I'm feeling quietly confident.As for HAMLET on the other hand,AAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH.my argument...had no...POINT to it.aarrrggghh is all I can say.
would they ever deduct marks for something being 'too long' or not the 'good length'?
I wrote 12 pages - although I write big to prevent my hands from cramping up.
I actually don't know how to feel about this paper.
I SUPPOSE it was good, but then there are a few things I'm uncertain about:
> How well the creative I wrote actually fits with the stimulus.
Question: even though the question said to write a piece that "celebrates" relationships, etc. - I...
Have the BOS ever asked (for an essay question) in which you must examine all THREE texts studied?
slightly nervous about this, seeing as I am most confident with two of my prescribed texts...
Dear BOSers
I need advice.
How should I treat these 'holidays'?
I've been working quite consistently throughout the year and feeling somewhat prepared for the HSC. In spite of this, I still feel quite nervous - especially hearing from a few of my mates who have seriously knuckled down and are...