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  1. creamnchocolat_

    Post Your 2012 University Offers Here!

    Bachelor of Intl. Studies @ UNSW :party:
  2. creamnchocolat_

    UNSW Roll Call 2012

    Bachelor of Intl. studies most likely majoring in Hispanic studies or something :)
  3. creamnchocolat_

    The Official French Film/SBS Movie Thread

    Has anyone seen any of the movies playing at the French Film Festival this year? Some of them seem really interesting, shame they are on at such crappy times. Have managed to see First Snow though, was lovely :)
  4. creamnchocolat_

    So if it isn't leb youths stabbing school children, then who do we blame?

    Well in my experience the majority of troublemakers of Lebanese descent I've come across are Christian. I went to a Catholic primary school and highschool in the western suburbs and now attend a public highschool, with Lebanese muslims and yet again the majority of troublemakers are Lebanese...
  5. creamnchocolat_

    Which Western Taboos do you agree with?

    1. Prostitution 2. Adultery 3. Illegal drugs 4. Incest 5. Bestiality 6. Pornography 7. Child Pornography 8. Eating dogs 9. Eating horses 10. Homosexuality 11. Nudity 12. Cannibalism 13. Necrophilia 14. Asking people their income 15. Swearing 16. Casual sex 17. Sex with children...
  6. creamnchocolat_

    schools that enforce subjects

    To the OP, how many units do you have? If you're going really well in 10 or 11 units worth of your subjects you may as well just do agriculture but not put too much effort into it. However that may be really risky. You could do that or just move schools. Many catholic schools have 1u Religion...
  7. creamnchocolat_

    Anyone regret their subject selections at the moment?

    I know this is a late reply, but hahaha I was in a private school (Ranked in the top 100 in 2008). And now I've moved into a public school, with better teachers in most of my subjects. The only prob here is some of the other students but oh well.
  8. creamnchocolat_

    Did you choose the High School you now attend or did your Parents force it on you?

    Re: Did you choose the High School you now attend or did your Parents force it on you I chose the current school I've been going to for the last 2 terms. I didn't get to choose the school I attended from yr 7- the beginning of yr 11. And wasn't allowed to move when I wanted to in yr 7 and 8...
  9. creamnchocolat_

    University Overseas

    Just wondering does that apply to international students - particularly from a western country?
  10. creamnchocolat_

    uni in america

    Do you know if it has to be 3 or 4 straight years of language. For example would studying French in yr 8 then again in yr 11 and 12 count?
  11. creamnchocolat_

    American university

    Does that include economics..and legal studies? But in particular economics? :spzz: Why didn't I think about this earlier... :bomb: Btw REALLY helpful thread!
  12. creamnchocolat_

    Study in America

    Um sorry for my ignorance but what are SATs and ACTs? :o Edit: Ohh SATs are Standard Testing or something. Still clueless about ACTs lol.
  13. creamnchocolat_

    During school, after school or during uni?

    I was wondering too. I used to want to take a gap year, but depending on what degree I want to do (I'm in year 11 atm) I'd want to finish it in the shortest amount of time possible. So atm, focusing on overseas study or exchange programs. LOL, I'd love to go to Harvard. Except I'm not sure...
  14. creamnchocolat_

    marine engineering/naval architecture Q's

    Would love to know as well :)
  15. creamnchocolat_

    UAI estimates

    Aiming for 100. The higher you aim the more likely you are to succeed (if you work at it). It'd mean I'm more likely to get 90+ I'd like to get 100 so I have a multitude of opportunities available to me after the HSC, I'm interested in several areas and I'm not sure what exactly I want to do...
  16. creamnchocolat_

    Your yr 11 eng AoS

    We just finished the concept of Power. Had to study Christina Rossetti + related texts.
  17. creamnchocolat_

    Which subject is more "prestigious" - English Extension 2 or Mathematics Extension 2?

    Re: Which subject is more "prestigious" - English Extension 2 or Mathematics Extensio Maths Ext 2 by far (I don't do it) but it gets you into more courses, is more challenging and is only open to a more selective range of students than Ext 2 English is. Just my perception though.
  18. creamnchocolat_

    For Year 12's!!!

    Thanks for posting that, reminded me to do exactly that :)
  19. creamnchocolat_

    Anyone regret their subject selections at the moment?

    YES! I absolutely hate Physics - well only at school. My teacher always comes to class late between 5-30 mins late EVERY lesson. The earliest she's ever been is 3 minutes after the whole class was waiting there (not straight after the bell rung). She talks about random things in class either not...
  20. creamnchocolat_

    Ultimate Guide to HSC Mathematics

    I think I love you :rudolf: