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  1. S

    help please! 'The Life and Crimes of Harry Lavender'

    Hi, I'm sure this is really late, but hopefully it will help some with your last few days of study! - At the beginning of the novel she describes, "a blonde in the bed" and has a male tone to her voice, and until we discover she is a female, a few pages in, we are thinking its all about a male...
  2. S

    Do you lose marks for having 2 related texts?

    Actually, my English teacher is a HSC marker and has been for the last 3 or so years, and he said while no EXTRA marks are given, the marker will still read your extra related materials because it shows them more of you writing capabilities. So technically no marks are given, but it shows the...
  3. S

    Twins needed :)

    1. Age: 17 2. Sex: Female 3, Twins Sex: Female 4. Type of Twins? Identical 5. Do twins run in your family?No 6. Do you know many other people that are twins? Yes 7. Are you and your twin close? Yes, we are close, as in we have grown up together so we have obviously had most our our life...
  4. S

    The Mathew Johns Sex scandal.

    The reason she is making such a fuss now is because the statute of limitations on sexual assualt is 7 years. Im guessing shes had some advice from a verry good lawyer to starts some legal precedings before time runs out.
  5. S

    The life and crimes of harry lavender

    LCHL is loaded with distintive voice. Claudia Valentine's dialouge is destinctivly nior and classic 'private eye/detective' style. Her tone is usually sharp and the language used is accurate for her role. Contextual referances include things such as car brands ( Sally almost running up the...