hello cutie
yes mick did get hold of fitzys comp itz darn easy since he doesn`t log out
fitzy is away racing i`m here working on his moto bike with alex
u like the avatar now hon?
ha wait till fin sees it i would love 2 be there 2 see his expression prob similar 2 the avatar eh?
where were u sat ?
did u have 2 babysit or something?
i didn`t hear all about ur hol
and no if it was a shopping trip i am soo not jealous
big boy race? BIG BOY RACE
i am the captain of the big league and it isn`t some go cart race its actual cars lol so ur...
Ha sorry i didn`t answer but it was tz pickup time
r u going 2 the track this sunday ?i`ll be racing alex
no on 2nd thoughts u better not alex tries harder when ur there ha haaaa
but alice would love the company