Ok so i know many of my mates left in Year 10 to do apprenticeships but i chose to stay to Year 12. Im studying subjects like maths, advanced English, physics, engineering and woodwork. How much do my results in these subjects affect my chances of getting a job as an apprentice? Do employers...
Haha i work at bunnings, its the funnest job ive ever had! I work with a great bunch of mates and yeah you get the customers who think you know where EVERYTHING is, and when you dont they get shitty. But its not bad, you need to be a sorta talkative person to work their as they look for outgoing...
Nearly done, put my first coat of Estapol on today, and got 3 more to go, cutting it very fine.
The photo is of my job before estapol, looks 10x better now and draw handles will go on after just before final coat.
Had a VS Commodore (Manual), wrote that off being a dickhead in the wet. Hit a concrete wall at 80km/h. Not fun at all.
Than i bought a 98 Black Magna (Manual again). But the timing belt decided to shit itself and caused $3000 worth of damage to the engine, bending all the valves etc.
Im a 17...
Hey guys, well I've always thought this girl i know is really cute and nice. And we have been talking a lot recently and she has stayed over all weekend with me, and it was f*cking amazing haha.
The problem is though she doesnt want a relationship, shes just broken up with her boyfriend a month...