It depends on which course you are undertaking. For example if you are doing Economics as a degree/major, you would need to do both.
Otherwise 6cp at 200 level means you have to complete 2 units at 200 level, where one of those units must be ECON203 or ECON204
I would also recommend the PAL (peer assisted learning) classes for most Accounting units at Macquarie as they really do help in terms of revision and getting that extra 3-5% in the final exam
Once you have your Western Sydney ID, just join through orgsync
Also, look around Campus for noticeboards, ask the librarians about volunteering for events (the ones at campbelltown campus are very nice) and check the uni facebook page for events
Yes, you would be able to make it into the course.
Students with ATAR's of 60 have been offered the Bachelor of Business course at UWS in recent years (they put Business at UWS as their #1 UAC selection).
Unit Code: ACCG355
Difficulty: Easy
Lecturer: Yvette Blount
Tutor: Pingtzir Sam
Year and Semester Taken: 2014 S2
Workload: Moderate
Comments: One of the best subjects run by Macquarie University. All the tutors are laid-back and easily approachable in the tutorial as well as during...
You should be allowed to take a seat in the lecture, and unless the lecture involves some form of examination, they generally don't ask for student cards
Enjoy your modern history study day :)
Set a time limit in your head for the easy questions during reading time.
There's always gonna be hard questions, you just have to practice time management.
Math132 is the harder subject but getting HD in any Mathematical course is quite challenging.
If your trying to transfer into Acturial studies, do Math135 to boost your overall GPA.
It is possible to self teach 3U maths as long as you are motivated and you have a solid 2U foundation.
Also, check out this website:
Business Studies can't be classified as an essay nightmare. It's one of the easiest HSC subjects available...if your interested in businesses.
If your not a strong science student and you're not really motivated to put in the extra effort, don't pick Chemistry (i'm assuming you'll be aiming...
If your doing well in the rest of your subjects, then dropping back to Standard isn't a bad option.
As for your mark for Module A...getting 5 or 6 out of 15 in Advanced is equivalent to 10 or 11 out of 15 in Standard.
4U is much more difficult, requires a deeper level of thinking and you need to spend more time on it.
3U isn't hard, students just don't put enough effort in.
If your a strong maths student or naturally gifted in Maths, think about doing 4U...however if your not really motivated towards maths...
I'm not sure if your 'wasting' your time completing a double major, that's your opinion.
In terms of coming back to uni in the future and completing 2 subjects...well if those subjects are a requirement for your bachelor's degree, you have to do them now.