I did modern and ancient in year 11, and was considering dropping one of them in year 12, but im so glad i kept both. i also took up extension history. it looks like you're still trying to get into modern history, but ancient is well worth it. i found it so enjoyable and interesting, it was one...
for autumn:
Monday - Understanding communication 9-10am lec, 12-2pm tut
Tuesday - Ecology of Public communication 9-10am lec, 1-3pm tut
Thursday - language and discourse 9-10am lec, 12-2pm tut
I'd recommend doing music 1 if you're playing the guitar, in your core prac component for HSC in music 2 the judges are fairly harsh on 'pop' instruments such as guitars. You also have to have a really solid base in theory and reading scores, doing intervals and stuff like that. I'd go music 2...