haha well according to all the kids who did ONE related text for advanced
"if you don't follow the instructions you should be marked down"
I wouldn't be too worried but - just read over some of the stuff you did in class for your prescribed just so you have an idea...
as for related can they...
Given the rest of the hsc... probably.
So far most of the exams have just been a little off - but unless it's crazy I think we should be right.
I mean, I don't know about anyone else but my notes are ready to be applied to most questions - there hasn't exactly been a trend if you look at...
I don't think you will.
Our teachers - hsc markers - said the BOS mark your exam holistically they are looking for flow and making sure you address the question. Moreover if you compare this to other subjects - like History Extension where you also ave to write and refer to TWO historians we...
hoping that was a joke?
I've found the best responses to be the simple ideas - you have a 40 minute time slot you don't really have time to set up a massive back story. It's far better to create an atmosphere then to have a massive history to a person that doesn't make sense b/c you can't...