Aww ouch! I know how terrible being sunburnt is, which is why I'm not skimping on the sunscreen this summer!
You can soak a cloth or hand towel in milk (which I'm sure is more available in the household than aloe vera) and lay it across the sunburnt area. Extremely soothing, especially for...
Supre is definitely hit and miss.
I go there for fairly decent basics that don't burn a hole in my wallet, though finding anything else worth paying for usually involves a good rummage through all the fluro, slogan tees (I love my boyfriend, anybody?) and whatnot. Ack, headache. :mad1:
Hey guys! Congratulations on your offers! :)
Which MRS course is everyone taking for 2009? Any fellow '09 diagnostic radiographers out there?
Guess I'll be seeing you at Cumberland Campus :headbang: W00TZ!
Piercings: Six on ears and a lip piercing.
Tattoos: None thus far, though the idea of getting one done is tempting... haha.
I just hope I won't regret this when I'm 30! :p