Yeah wtf. Westfields Parramatta and Penrith were closed.
Cbf going to the city.
Anywho, my boxing day shopping list was:
- Board shorts
- Shirts
- Jeans
The only reason Uni is harder than Year 11 and 12 is because you don't have teachers spoon feeding you (admit it bitches, you all got spoon fed at some stage during senior high school). I mean, if you're smart enough to go through Year 11 and 12 without failing, then you should be smart enough...
Thanks guys!
What if I do, say Primary Education at ACU Canberra which has a cut off of 58.8 - would I be able to transfer after the first year and do Secondary?
Honestly, it doesn't matter what University you go to because at the end of the day, you still walk out with the same degree. The only difference is the whole reputation shenanigan!
I got an ATAR of 47.90 and was looking at doing B.Arts/B.Teaching (Secondary - Technology) at ACU. I looked at the bonus points and it says I should 3 boinus points because I got a Band 5 in Hospitality. Are there any other ways I can get bonus points? For example, coz I attended a catholic...
LOL, mine's probably the shittest in this thread:
Biology - Band 2
English Std - Band 4
SOR1 - Band 4
General Maths - Band 3
Environmental Science - Band 3
Hospitality - Band 5
Estimated ATAR is 52