i started mine at 11:30 the night ebfore and went until the finishing of printing at 8:15am.
i was not feeling well that day :S
story of mylife though really. i always do the night before. so bad. but ive never done any different.
whats this all about? like since we dont have that break holiday thing after trials are people just taking time off school or whats the deal?? or u just mean not stressing out and like catching up on sleepies etc?? xx
Ive been in both ends of the spectrum-being in/out of relationship during HSC year (still currently in ofcourse).
My ex of year and half went away early jan with a friend for a week and decided when he got back he wanted out.
It affacted my schoolwork/personal life. Then again being in that...
ohhh amennn gurrrl!! i did the same thing.
I met my current boyfriend at a concert late may, he asked for my number after the show,but at the time i wasnt thinking and i was like "oh ok whats your number? *and took his number instead of giving him mine*" then texted him like an hour after the...
Hey guys;
yea i went.
im surprised i survived i went to a camp the preivios nights prior and had no sleep....ragh.
but yea i tried to absorb much as i can, but by the last speaker i got figgity and tired and wanted to commit lol.
had to travel and hourbus home back to the beaches...and...
That is due today is done,yerp i pulled yet another all nigther to come out with a speech on belonging incorporating shakespeares as you like it,my big fat greek wedding and poem Migrant hotel, all of which im sure i did a horrible job of relating to my non exsistant shitty thesis which i still...
Hey guys,
Once again, its the night befor my english speech on BELONGING is to be presented and i havent started (due to personal issues that have arised-that obvisouly i wont be disclosing with you)
but heres the question/what the speech is on-
"you are to present a speech of 4-5 mins...
oh yea, we are going as you like it.
well just to let everyone know, i dont like it.
purely because im in holiday mode adn couldnt give a shit about the fact on tuesday i have to hand in and present a speech on belonging.
and 2 related txts.
and you can understand why i sit and question why...