I accidently stumbled on the information for the HSC advice line yesterday. But i can't for the life of me find the website again (so i obviously can't post the link), but luckily i saved the info so here it is.
And i quote...
HSC Advice Line
The HSC Advice Line is a telephone...
I actually haven't done Hatshepsut as a personality (we did Akhenaten) but...
1. you could always assess her acheivements and failures
2. did she help Egypt in a particular way? if so, how and assess whether it was good or not
it's hardly anything but hope it helps.
Good luck!
I have an assessment where I need to talk about natural and human induced stress, but can't find what natural stress tropical rainforests and mangroves are put under.
Does anyone know what the stresses are or have any ideas where I can look? I only need two for each.
pretty good summary.
btw we always get told to say that a solution is a "mixture of a solute and solvent". dunno if it makes much of a difference though.