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  1. houseofcards

    all done!

    whoa i'm glad i gave up on private lives cos mine was boring as hell compared to that!
  2. houseofcards

    all done!

    guys those posters are looking kickass! glad to see everyone was pretty much on the same page with the concepts and visuals i think i worked on it about sixty hours straight no sleep before it was due. never again!!
  3. houseofcards

    all done!

    set design for MPD signed sealed and delivered :)
  4. houseofcards

    Myth, Propaganda and Disaster... 2009

    Anyone else doing Set Design for MPD??
  5. houseofcards

    Myth, P & D Help

    dude those look awesome! Im doing Set Design for MPD and I'm going for the whole industrial aesthetic too...why does your teacher say thats a problem?